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The Alex Jones Show

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Weekdays 9:00 pm 12:00 am
Saturday 9:00 pm 12:00 am
Sunday 10:00 pm 12:00 am

Introducing The Alex Jones Show on Freedom 94.3, a captivating and thought-provoking radio program hosted by Alex Jones. Join Alex for three hours of intense and gripping discussions that delve into the hidden workings of the global elite. With a relentless drive to expose the truth, Alex educates his listeners and inspires them to reclaim their freedom.

The Alex Jones Show goes beyond the confines of traditional talk radio. Alex shatters the left/right political paradigm, focusing instead on what truly matters – right and wrong. As a dedicated Constitutionalist, he staunchly defends the Bill of Rights, property rights, and our nation’s borders. He fearlessly challenges foreign entanglements driven by corporate and banking interests.

With a tenacious journalistic approach, Alex has broken numerous national stories throughout his career, earning recognition from influential figures like Matt Drudge, who featured on his highly-trafficked website,

Alex Jones has been featured in prominent publications such as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone Magazine, and Popular Mechanics. He has made appearances on major television networks including Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and The Discovery Channel, among others.

Tune in to The Alex Jones Show on Freedom 94.3 and join the informed and passionate conversation about defending constitutional rights, exposing hidden agendas, and empowering individuals to take a stand. Discover why Alex Jones is recognized as one of the most important talk show hosts in America, delivering impactful content that challenges the status quo.

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